Recognition Events
HOSA, Inc Recognition Events
The Recognition Program is designed to... recognize members, advisors, alumni, educators, health industry partners, and other individuals that have made a significant contribution toward Wisconsin HOSA.
The following recognition opportunities are currently offered as part of the Wisconsin HOSA Recognition Program…
Individual Recognition Events
Barbara James Service Award
Healthcare Issues Exam
Chapter Recognition Events
HOSA Happenings
HOSA Service Project
Individuals/chapters that meet the criteria outlined in the event guidelines will be recognized at the State and International Leadership Conference.
Let’s strive to recognize all the outstanding work done by HOSA members across Wisconsin. Please read the event guidelines at the beginning of the year to plan your activities.
To view the Recognition Event Guidelines, please click here and scroll down to "Recognition Events"
Standards of Excellence for Local Chapters & HOSA Cup Award
(Special Recognition - State Only)
The Standards of Excellence for Local Chapters & HOSA Cup Award program is designed to support and recognize active local chapters chartered under the Wisconsin HOSA State Association to be at the highest level of engagement and equipped with policies, procedures and structures on an annual basis to deliver quality service to it’s HOSA members, protecting the good name of the local chapter, school district, Wisconsin HOSA-Future Health Professionals and HOSA-Future Health Professionals.
Chapters that obtain gold level achievement will be recognized at the State Leadership Conference and eligible to receive the HOSA Cup Award, which will be awarded to one chapter from each membership division that earns the highest level of excellence based on total points.
Click the image above to learn more about this new state level special recognition program!
Special Recognition Awards
Nominations Instructions: Use the form linked on this page to submit a nomination for the following special awards.
Caduceus Award
The nominee (individual or group) has demonstrated extraordinary leadership in promoting HOSA as the pipeline for young people to the health professions. This award recognizes the importance of health industry leadership in working collaboratively to assure a qualified healthcare workforce for the future.
Educational Excellence Award
The nominee (individual, educator, or educational agency) has demonstrated extraordinary leadership or service in the educational community at an international, national or state level. The recipient’s vision and/or support has enhanced HOSA’s ability to promote career opportunities in health care, thereby helping HOSA members achieve their educational goals.
Distinguished Alumni Service Award
This award is given to an alumni member who has demonstrated remarkable service in the health field to the community and/or to an alumni member who has given back to the organization by being a mentor to future health professionals.
Government Leader Award
The nominee has demonstrated extraordinary leadership in an elected or
appointed government agency. The nominee’s leadership supports the
mission of HOSA and understands HOSA’s role in serving as the pipeline to
recruiting and developing future health professionals. The award recipient
supports the rights of all citizens to quality health care and the role of
government in providing policies, programs and practices that protect those
HOSA Hero Award
The HOSA Hero Award recognizes accountable bystanders - HOSA members, alumni and advisors who act and make a difference to save the lives of others. Documentation must include a source to verify heroic action.
Leadership in Collaboration Award
The nominee has demonstrated exemplary service to HOSA through
partnership opportunities. The award recipient plays a unique role in
promoting HOSA-Future Health Professionals as a significant contributor to
the health industry.
Outstanding State Leader
This award is designed to honor one Outstanding HOSA Leader serving as a current state officer within the state association in recognition of the member’s commitment to HOSA and outstanding leadership. The individual chosen for this award is nominated by the State Office and chosen by the Awards and Scholarship Committee.
Outstanding HOSA Advisor
Any member or other individual affiliated with HOSA may submit an application to nominate a local chapter advisor for the Outstanding HOSA Advisor Award. This award is designed to recognize advisors for the time and effort they expend to provide successful HOSA Chapter activities for their members.
Any Secondary or Postsecondary/Collegiate member in good standing may submit an application for the Wisconsin HOSA Scholarship Program. Each year, Wisconsin HOSA will award at least one scholarship to a HOSA member continuing their efforts to become a future health professional through pursuing a health-related degree. Additional scholarships may also be offered each year with the sponsorships of various health industry partners of Wisconsin HOSA.

Do you have a question or concern regarding the Recognition Program?
Email: contactus@wihosa.org

Wisconsin HOSA received the
2019 Outstanding HOSA Achievement
Recognition Award
This award is to recognize chartered associations for their special
achievements, projects, events, and activities that are completed by and unique to individual chartered associations.
Way to go Wisconsin HOSA!